Joys of family life. Fun with the Starkeys.
Before I start, I have a recent story to tell. I read that Paul was signing his children’s book and thought, why don’t I try to get some copies signed for my Grandchildren. I phoned his office with my request explaining my history with The Beatles, only to be told by reception they don’t take those kind of calls and to email ( have to say not a patch on our lovely Laurie who was so kind to everyone) I duly emailed over two months ago, nothing, so giving the girl the benefit of the doubt and thinking it might have gone into the junk folder I re sent it. I was eventually contacted saying she had received it but the office was extremely busy and I was not on top of the priority list, but when the time was right she would ask. Still not heard anything and can only assume either she hasn’t had time to ask, or worse. Paul doesn’t want to know. It is not much fun growing old, in fact the whole thing has been quite upsetting as I never asked for anything before, oh well the poor girl must be rushed off her feet, I would like to know how she would have coped back in the day when there were four of them in one office.
Now I am going back to Roundhill Days when life was great.
It was wonderful to be part of the Starkey’s life. Talk about in at the deep end, from a desk in Saville Row to School runs and feeding the animals I became domesticated. Life with Maureen could never be boring, I never knew what to expect when I arrived in the morning. We turned the downstairs loo into a padded cell by adding carpet tiles to the walls, the very large reception from a herringbone wooden floor to black and white lino tiles!!!!!! The biggest make over was the lounge. The fireplace was removed and a round circular stainless steel surround was added, the alcoves turned from white to red and the walls were flocked in black and red, not an easy room to live in.
The animals were always such an integral part of our lives, Sophie dog a rough border collie who would grab the kids ankles every time they tried to jump into the swimming pool. Tiger, the miniature white poodle who just did everything right. Then there were the cats, Pinky the mum, a Siamese that would argue with you if you deemed to tell her off, she managed to escape twice and produced two litters, all were kept including Igor, he was found in the barn at the house in Esher they bought from Peter Sellers. The cats loved the new wall paper in the large reception and staircase, spending many happy hours sharpening their claws; it was a pity really as it was made of silk!!!!
They always knew how to throw a party, Richy loved Bonfire night, that year he bought a new barbeque, Bruce Welch turned up with Olivia Newton John and because she had lived in Australia, she was asked to do the cooking, unfortunately it wasn’t a success, the sausages arrived broken, burnt and inedible, Richie’s comment was, Australia didn’t do her any favours.
Lee didn’t like the loud bangs so I said I would take her upstairs away from it all, Joan Collins, and her boyfriend Ron Kass were guests and Joan’s little girl Tara joined us, as we walked into the main bedroom Tara asked who’s room it was, when I explained she looked puzzled, I asked why, her comment was, my Mummy’s bedroom is full of wigs and make up!!!!
Richy and Maureen were visiting New York and asked if I would like to go with them to keep Maureen company, I was so excited, never been there before. We flew first class and up to a few minutes before landing, everything was great, then suddenly the aircraft dropped rapidly, drinks went everywhere, Richy was going to shout out, don’t let it end like this, something Cilla had once said on a flight to Nice, however, he saw my face and thought twice. When the pilot finally spoke telling us that it was instructions from Kennedy Airport, the fags came out and the cabin filled with smoke. We were staying at the Plaza Hotel and we met George coming out of the lift. I told him what had happened on the flight, and had every sympathy with me as he hated flying too.
I absolutely loved New York, Christmas was coming and the decorations were magical, I would look out of my window with a view over Central Park and watch the skaters, John and Yoko were having a preview of their film Imagine so we went to see it. As we reached them John looked up and when he saw me his comment was, “she still with you then”?
I laughed, little did I know that would be the last time I would ever see him.
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